'Didasko Learning' Animations
2018 - 2020
'Didasko Learning Resources' produces online courses for universities around Australia. In the few years I worked at Didasko as a multimedia developer, I collaborated with the rest of the design team to construct the online courses themselves, as well as create the vector animations used to illustrate the content. The process of creating these online courses would include selecting relevant Shutterstock imagery, choosing the best interactive elements to include on a page, adjusting the javascript coding to fit the specific page, producing the keyframe animation, and testing the live courses.
Some challenges of these projects were working to a client's brief and to Didasko's set visual identity. The target demographic for Didasko's online courses are mature age students studying at home or during a commute. This meant I had to be conscious of bright colour combinations and the legibility of type, so as to accomodate students with limited vision or a smaller screen.
The solution to these constraints was to create interactive course pages with bright buttons, small colour schemes, and high contrast. Along with this, I ensured my animations were professional but not overtly distracting, so the students can focus on the content. With more abstract and interpersonal concepts, such as 'Professional Management', I opted for lighter colour schemes and more expressive character movements, while technical subjects such as 'IT Infrastructure' called for deep blues and specific depictions of technology relevant to the content.